Bring Health Home is empowering people to take control of their health by teaching them how to grow their own food, use fresh food in their diets, and lead healthy lives.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Final Presentation Videos

For Susie: Here's the video of us winning the paper portion and coming in second for the presentation AND our final presentation itself. The sound is crummy - sorry about that! But at least you have the script so you can follow along at home! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Board Interviews

Our top candidate and our least-favored candidate share their perspectives. We appreciate their candor and look forward to our next steps!

Interviews with candidates

Team Member Impressions From Month Two:

Anna -

Jennifer - I haven't enjoyed this month's cohort work very much, but I completely recognize the learning that is available to me. I think our biggest challenge as a group is that some of us really prefer to work one-on-one but because of the schedule, that's tough and it can be difficult to figure out how to make appropriate progress on the work when we have to depend on email and phone communications. It's been especially interesting to consider the past month after hearing Rhonda Hall's presentation on personal accountability. I challenged myself to figure out what my own role needs to be as we move forward. A positive outcome is that I've started discussing the idea of a community garden with my neighbors - I'm not sure I would've taken that step if it wasn't for this cohort project!

Ken -

Rob - I feel like our group is struggling, and I don't think I'm helping very much. This kind of situation is not my strong suit, but I'm hoping to learn from it. It will be interesting to see how we deal with the next challenge.

Susie - This month has been more difficult. As with most non-profits, the high of the first idea comes more difficult with practicality. For myself, I found it easier to express how I was feeling, and I think we all did. In the past session - we focused so much on consensus and being polite - but this month we all expressed our views more. This led to a clear understanding that we all learn/work/communicate very differently. As we continue, I hope to be able to use my voice and assert my opinion, and also be aware of how other people work as well. I am optimistic that we can take these challenges and turn them into even more positive outcomes for Bringing Health Home.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Initial Impressions of Cohort Team Members

Anna – My immediate first impression is that our group is intelligent, flexible, and inclusive.  While the inclusive value can lead some groups to move slowly, it seems we still have enough action-oriented and organized team members that we have been able to make significant progress without anyone feeling left out. 
Jennifer – I am glad that our team seems to be made up of a lot of hard workers who seem to make an effort to listen to each other. I know that I have a tendency to talk a lot and I worry that I’ll come across as overbearing. I hope that everyone really feels heard and involved.
Ken – The experience of the team members in the non-profit sector shines through during our discussions.  It is clear to me that we have tremendous respect for each others’ views even when we do not totally agree.  A clear example was when we suggested names for the non-profit.  Every team member had an opportunity to suggest a name.  Concern for the target population was most important to all and the name just evolved from the vision.
Rob –   Our team seems to have developed some good group dynamics.  We approached the task with flexibility and openness to discussion, and these characteristics continue to make it possible to engage in creative brainstorming during our discussions.  At the same time, the members of our team are attentive to the fact that our meeting time is limited and that we need to make substantial progress each meeting.  So far, we’ve struck a good balance.
Susie –  So far, I am enjoying the process. I found that in the beginning I was anxious about making sure I had a voice, and understanding where my role lay in our group. Im excited because I feel that I am getting to use some of my strengths in the group so far, and that we are all able to speak and be heard. Excited to see what this project brings out in all of us.